Marcellus & Utica Gas Suppliers, Services, and Manufacturers Association (MUG) Board Members Zane Johnson (Sooner Pipe), Chris LaBarte (US Well Services), and Crystal Miller (Silver Creek Services) present a check and a 325 pound food donation to the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank in Williamsport, PA.
Canonsburg, PA - May 6, 2019 - The Marcellus & Utica Gas Suppliers, Services, and Manufacturers Association (MUG) recently donated $2,000 and 325 pounds of food to the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. The MUG hosted a happy hour event for industry professionals within the oil and gas industry at The Brickyard Restaurant & Ale House in Williamsport on May 2. The five year old nonprofit organization prides itself on giving back to the communities in the heart of the Marcellus and Utica Shale plays within Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. The monetary donation will be able to provide 12,000 meals to local residents in Central Pennsylvania. For more information regarding Central Pennsylvania Food Bank, visit their website,
MUG Board Members Chris LaBarte (US Well Services), Zane Johnson (Sooner Pipe), Crystal Miller (Silver Creek Services), Tommy Smith (Edgen Murray), and Todd Householder (Worthington Industries).
The MUG has been able to steadily expand its presence within the region since its inception five years ago. As of May 6th, MUG has eighteen corporate sponsors and two contributing sponsors, making 2019 the non-profit organization’s largest year so far. The number of sponsors the MUG receives allows the organization to host more events throughout the Marcellus & Utica Shale region, thus increasing the non-profit organization’s ability to make meaningful donations. The MUG prides itself on being a non-profit organization whose board members donate their time and resources in an effort to maximize their donations throughout the region. Year-to-date, MUG has donated over $4,000 to organizations within the region.
The May 2, 2019 MUG happy hour held at The Brickyard Restaurant & Ale House in Williamsport, PA.
The next event the MUG has scheduled is its 5th Annual Rodney Sparks Memorial Golf Scramble July 10 & 11 at Oglebay Resort in Wheeling, WV. To learn more about the MUG or to become a sponsor, please visit