MUG Board Members Zane Johnson, Sean Rooney, Walt Elmquist, Tom Smith, Tom Watkins, Chris LaBarte, and Tim Munksgard visited the Drake Well Museum and Park in August of 2019.
Canonsburg, PA - November 19, 2019 - This past August, the Marcellus & Utica Gas Suppliers, Services, and Manufacturers Association (MUG) held their third quarter board meeting at the Drake Well Museum and Park and also hosted the Oil Patch Memorial Golf Scramble at Foxburg Country Club. Using funds raised from the golf outing, the Board of Directors voted in a unanimous decision to make a $2,000 donation to the Drake Well Museum and Park to fund an in-the-classroom program at multiple schools throughout Pennsylvania. The program is used to educate students about the rich history of the oil and gas industry in this region and also bring awareness to the benefits the industry provides to the local communities. Schools that will receive the in-the-classroom program are in Warren, PA, Sheffield, PA, Greensburg, PA, Washington County, PA, and South Fayette, PA. MUG is excited to continue the growth of the nonprofit and continue to extend its donations and community outreach throughout the Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia regions.
For more information regarding the Drake Well Museum, visit
About MUG - The Marcellus & Utica Gas Suppliers, Services, and Manufacturers Association was formed in 2014. MUG is a 501 C (6) nonprofit organization with a volunteer-based Board of Directors and is funded by its Sponsor Companies. The MUG promotes responsible practices within the oil and gas industry and supports the local communities in which its Board Members and Sponsor Companies work and live in. With the help of the Sponsor Companies within the energy industry, MUG is able to host multiple events throughout the year and make donations to organizations within the Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia regions each year.